
Friday, August 22, 2014

Value of Google Authorship in SEO!

Google Authorship has gained quite the popularity in context of search engine optimization. Despite its increasing importance many websites and bloggers have still not embraced, which is surprising because it is vital for securing higher ranks and more traffic. It is an outlet to gain branding which is the end goal of all the content strategies and blogging, and SEO strategies.

This authorship program gives a face to your work. All it takes to become a verified author is linking is the Google+ profile with your online work. Doing so will allow everyone to see your image next to the search results where you have the authorship.

It is human tendency to feel more inclined towards search results that have an image attached to it compared to those without images. Such results tend to attract higher clicks as it sparks a sense of credibility among readers. The fact that more people are seeing your face makes it easier to become a professional in the industry.

Sometimes it so happens that duplicated or plagiarized content is able to rank higher in Google than the original source from where it stole the content. However after establishing oneself as an author with Google, original content will appear higher, and not the duplicate one. Searchers won’t find the plagiarists, but you as the author. 

Google uses Author Rank as a parameter to rank authorship writers according to their engagement and other social factors. Someone who has a profile will automatically rank higher than those without it. Although ranking will still be decided by the quality of content first, if you are able to devise brilliant content, you can expect an overall boost in the Google search rank. 

Therefore every SEO company in New York is now beginning to use authorship programs to secure more readerships and have a positive impact on social media for achieving high visibility.

With Google authorship program getting a piece of content indexed becomes faster and easier. For example if you have anything urgent to share such as some timely news which must be indexed quickly, link it to Google+ profile. It will prioritize your content over others. Quick indexing will allows users to search your more quickly.

Millions of people are publishing content on an everyday basis, and there is a strong need to get an edge over others. Quick indexing of content will allow searchers to read your information earlier, thus allowing you to build an audience.

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