
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Creating PPC ads that generate quality clicks

When it comes to PPC, it is the quality of ads, which is largely going to determine the fate of campaign and how much of quality traffic it generates. Following tips will be helpful in creating effective pay per click ads.
The first tip is to make the most out of headlines. Headline is a prominent aspect and should be used wisely. Insert those words that will give weight to it. Create a statement out of it. If the advertisement targets generic keywords, use descriptive headline to highlight the product. If the ad is targeting a brand name, don’t forget to include the company name.
The next trick that is quite helpful is to put the keyword in the ad copy in those places where it seems appropriate. Doing so will increase the relevance of it among searchers. The keyword will become bold in the Google search results and will help your advertisement pop up.
It is never advised to create just one ad for the campaign and ad groups. Have two to three samples ready and experiment with them by testing their effectiveness then go on to select the one that turns out to be the best version. One example would be creating a duplicate of the first one by making slight alternations such as changing the headline.
Another way to do so is to highlight a different offer or some other feature and see which copy works best. Remember other companies are also competing with their messages, so make sure yours stand out in terms of creativity, presentation, and everything else. Keep on testing different variations of the same message until you stumble down the one that succeeded over others. Then you can pause the ones that failed to perform better. 
Getting lots of clicks is not the biggest challenge pay per click services providers in NYC face, but the challenge lies in getting clicks from qualified users who have the maximum potential to become a customer.

Therefore devise the message in a way that gets the attention of qualified customers only and not of those who are immediately going to leave the website because the ad was irrelevant to them. It is because the latter ones will only increase the cost of campaign.

For example if your competitor websites are charging lesser price for the same service, try including the price in the advertisement copy. Doing so will although decrease the number of clicks, but the ones you do get will be from willing customers ready to pay that price.

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