Any web designer can design a website, but it takes years of experience to create a flawless layout that could appeal to the visitors in the very first glance. Along with years of experience, designer need to be watchful for the below given common mistakes-
Use of flash-Flash is an amazing designing tool, but Google does not like it. They say, it increases the load time of websites and is not mobile compatible as well; both of which are true. Hence, designers should use JavaScript based libraries like jQuery or AngularJS instead of flash.
Massive images- Do you loves using big images? Well, did you know it directly impacts website’s load time, which can eventually harm a website in many ways. Use images of appropriate size and do not forget to optimize them. For optimizing, you can use tools like GruntJS-ImageMin, ImageOptim, CodeKit and PrePros.
Assuming design will fit all screen sizes-Usually, designers assume that a fixed screen size design will fit all platforms. This is a hypothetical belief! You need to create flexible designs that fit all screens, and no matter what, you must test the created design on all types of the devices.
Overuse of animations or effects-Many websites has breathtaking designs, but to meet the standards of designing, designer need to take care of many things. In addition to the above-discussed things, overuse of animations and effects is also not suggested.
Use of flash-Flash is an amazing designing tool, but Google does not like it. They say, it increases the load time of websites and is not mobile compatible as well; both of which are true. Hence, designers should use JavaScript based libraries like jQuery or AngularJS instead of flash.
Massive images- Do you loves using big images? Well, did you know it directly impacts website’s load time, which can eventually harm a website in many ways. Use images of appropriate size and do not forget to optimize them. For optimizing, you can use tools like GruntJS-ImageMin, ImageOptim, CodeKit and PrePros.
Assuming design will fit all screen sizes-Usually, designers assume that a fixed screen size design will fit all platforms. This is a hypothetical belief! You need to create flexible designs that fit all screens, and no matter what, you must test the created design on all types of the devices.
Overuse of animations or effects-Many websites has breathtaking designs, but to meet the standards of designing, designer need to take care of many things. In addition to the above-discussed things, overuse of animations and effects is also not suggested.
Animations like elements fading in, up, down, around, etc. must use appropriately.
Non-user friendly navigation- Hyperlinking within the pages of website and with other pages is needed to be done appropriately because poor linking can hinder the navigation from one page to another or within the same page.
Subsequently, if user experience poor navigation the user will become frustrate and look for a better alternative. Hus designing and functioning go hand in hand. Therefore, while designing, designers need to always keep in mind the usability of website.
Many companies offer web solutions in NYC, but not all of them have experienced designers. You must only hire a company that has veteran web designers and can create a perfect design for your website.