
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The journey of evolution of SEO!

There was a time, when just on-page optimization, along with few off-page activities was sufficient for getting top rankings. However, with the change in time, trends in SEO have completely changed.

Search engines like Google have gotten smarter and have frequently updated their algorithms, resulting in the reconsideration of all the SEO techniques.

Following is the difference between old and latest SEO methods used by experts of SEO Company in New York and around the globe.
SEO Company New York

Old SEO trends

  • Worshipping Keywords- stuffing in the content, stuffing in the meta tags and description, keyword in title, keyword in the domain name, and so on.
  • Pointless back linking – As long as webmasters were getting backlinks irrespective of the quality or category of website, it was considered good.
  • Low quality content- Shallow content was not considered as an obstacle for getting rankings. Actually content was not in the picture at all.

Latest SEO trends

Quality content: Unlike earlier times, when same content was posted on numerous sites, it was very easy to obtain ranking. However, today, such method is banned by the Google, and is termed as copied content. Google today emphasize on quality and informative content, which is useful for the visitors.

Keyword density:
Specific guidelines are set on the density of keyword in content. Now, Google checks the keyword usage in the content; and gives weightage to fact if it has been used wisely and goes with the niche, or not.   
    Social Media Connection & Social networking: Social media has quite a big role to play in SEO campaign. It is a way to popularize the brand on social media. The more the fans and followers in one’s circle, the more it would be better for the ranking factor.

    Varied backlinks: Back linking was effortless in the past, but now it is a whole lot bigger domain. Here are few major characteristics of quality back linking in the present times.

    Regular and steady link building
    Different ways to get links
    Content rich links
    Anchor text variation
    Build links for all inner pages of website
    Links from different IP address
    Links from authentic domain

    Volume and quality of backlinks: Adding links to the authentic site is a good step for getting good ranking in SERP. This helps add a sense of trust of your website in eyes of searches engines.

    Website design: Having the right website design makes a lot of difference, not only in terms of usability, but for SEO as well.

    Infographics and video marketing: Google has boosted the infographic and video marketing concept up to a great extent. Information being posted by the help of pictures and videos is a real fun and interactive way, and Google know that very well.

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